The boy whose tears saved Pescador

The boy whose tears saved Pescador

14 Nov 2022

The boy whose tears saved Pescador

News View project

Killiney Hill

Tales old and new

Killiney Hill on the South Dublin coast is a favourite destination for children and adults alike who love the spectacular view from the top. On a clear day you can just about see the mountains of Snowdonia far distant across the Irish sea. Below, the blue waters of the bay break against the beach and sharp eyed walkers can sometimes spot dolphins heading south through the waves. Dalkey Island with its ruined church and Martello tower floats just off shore and history records that Viking raiders held captives there in chains, to be carried far away and sold as slaves.

Three unusual monuments crown the top of the hill a step pyramid, an 18th Century obelisk and a tiny round cone topped shrine. They are also known as the Wishing Stone, the Witches House and the Witch's Hat. The ancient Druid's Judgment Chair, formed from rough slabs of stone, can still be found a short distance from the base of the hill. It is a place steeped in history, magic and mystery.

These adventurous and imaginative tales for children from 5- 10 years reflect the topography, legends and history of the hill, and feature acts of heroism, courage and loyalty by the children and adults of the community who lived around the hill in times past. An Ceann Ciallmhor, the Wise One, presides over the hill and people who live around seek him out for advice in times of crisis.